Saturday, May 30, 2009

Expected to give rise to a lengthy debate Scientific study suggests that lesbian, fungal and not the result of experience

Scientists close in some European universities to propose a new scientific result on the origins of homosexuality (sex with the same party) is that the tendency of homosexuality is by nature and birth.

The scientific outcome of this proposed after the Islamists seized the previous result of scientific research and one is that the tendency to come across a similar sex-learning and education. However, this new result is expected to be raised around the major scientific controversy, particularly as they are based on research on insects, fruits only.
In the details of the new scientific discovery that sex are like me, come by birth and by nature rather than through education and behavior. And research findings to the discovery of genetic inheritance in males to be attracted towards the legacy of another male and female also attracted towards the female.
However, the experience of Perry Dixon, a researcher at the Austrian Academy of insects confined to the fruit, the findings of this researcher that the male to female and avoid rushing around with the male to perform precise movements to create the sexual mating, and rejects any attempt to female male to approach them.
It promotes the scientific study, which focused on the leading European newspapers such as the "Times," the British debate on the assets of "homosexuality" after the deep division of opinion on that as emphasized by many homosexuals in the past that they are born Mnjzpin sex with the same adherence to the anti-homosexuality in their opinion, that it has come through acquisition and learning can be disposed of through psychological treatment.
The world of the Academy of Sciences, Austria Perry Dixon - author of Search - "The discovery of the inherited genetic insect fruit and one that can be applied to conduct and sexual orientation at all insects fruit," he said, the result has been reached "Palmzhlp."
The scientific meaning of this result, as many scientists in the West, that man can not choose their own sexual behavior, but come and grow with him as usual. It is expected to come out of this research study of human sexual relationships of the moral space to space science.
But what Rschh science through research and scientific aspects, including psychological, social, anti-this study, since most previous research confirm that the attraction of the same sex result in the circumstances and experience and it is impossible to establish with the fungal rights.

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